Archive name: Cube iwork 7_drivers / cr_7_drivers
Archive size: 200 MB
Archive content:
- 3G - MU739Update_11.
- audio - AudioDriverForV200
- Battery - BM
- BayTrail-T_Entry_Driver_Package_BOM3.1_WW41_PR2
- BT - RealtekBluetoothUartPackage_1.0.70.41023.L
- Camera - Camera_OV5648, HM2056-new signed & ISP
- GPS - Broadcom_Windows_Location_BCM4752_Setup_ACPI_LTO
- G-sensor - INT2_signed
- L-sensor - CM3218-AD201408200001_CM3218AD_SPB_Driver_1.1.5.0
- WLAN - RTLWlanS_WindowsDriver_3007.9.1015.2014_ISS
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